On 8/26/10 8:45 AM, Thomas Narten wrote:
> "Manfredi, Albert E" <albert.e.manfr...@boeing.com> writes:
>> On prefix length, RFC 4291 says:
>> "For all unicast addresses, except those that start with the binary
>>  value 000, Interface IDs are required to be 64 bits long and to be
>>  constructed in Modified EUI-64 format."
> Correct. Note that the above only talks about what an address looks
> like. It doesn't say anything about how it is used. Other documents
> make clear that and address is just an address and a node need not
> know anything about its internal syntax or how the address was formed.
> Also, the above says nothing about subnet masks or on-link prefixes,
> which are NOT restricted to being /64s or any other specific value.
> Some folk may have made the assumption that the above implies that
> subnet mask/on-link prefixes can be no longer than a /64 but I think
> that is incorrect and do not believe any standards track document says
> that.
> Indeed, my clear recollection is that the /127 issue was known when
> RFCs 2460-2462 were last revised, and the text intentionally allowed
> longer prefixes than /64.
> Unfortunately, some vendors apparently do not see the documents as
> clearly requiring support for prefixes longer than /64, even though
> some operators want them.  The purpose of this document is to fix
> this. I don't believe this change will or needs to change previous
> documents in any significant way. It really is more of a
> clarification.
> If others disagree, please quote text from relevant RFCs.

RFC 3627?

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