Hi, Shane,

Please find my comments inline....

> I have a question on: 
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-gont-6man-flowlabel-security-00
> Unless I misunderstand something, you're proposing that a flow-label
> be constructed using the IPv6 Source & Destination values as
> input-keys to a hash function as follows: Flow Label = counter +
> F(Source Address, Destination Address, Secret Key) If you do the
> above, then intermediate routers that are performing LAG and/or ECMP
> load-balancing will not be able to use the flow-label as an input-key
> for calculating a load-balancing hash. 


> Why couldn't (or, shouldn't) the hash function instead use the
> following: Flow Label = counter + F(Source Port, Destination Port,
> [Protocol], Secret Key)

Because the specs require the Flow Label to be unique on a per (src
addr, dst addr) basis. -- hence the flow-selection function needs to
take into account the v6 addresses rather than the src/dst ports.

> If you did this, then intermediate routers & switches that were
> performing LAG and/or ECMP load-balancing could easily use the
> following /fixed-offset/ header fields as input-keys to the
> load-balancing hash: Load Balancing Hash = F(Source IPv6 Address,
> Destination IPv6 Address, "draft-gont" Flow Label) IMHO, this would
> allow draft-gont-6man-flowlabel-security to nicely/peacefully
> co-exist with widely deployed/used flow-based load-balancing schemes
> for LAG and ECMP.

This is actually the intent of the proposed flow-label selection
algorithm in draft-gont-6man-flowlabel-security-00

Please let me know if the above has clarified your concern...


Kind regards,
Fernando Gont
e-mail: ferna...@gont.com.ar || fg...@acm.org
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