Your message is very carefully crafted rhetorically, for which I credit you with many style points. In terms of standards development less so, but I'll take everything you say here at face value just in case.

On 09/08/2010 11:01 AM, Joel M. Halpern wrote:
Doug, I am confused by your comments.

Let me describe how I understand the situation.  We claimed, when we
crafted IPv6, that hosts did not need to use DHCP for address

Not quite. We claimed, "If you only need a basic configuration (I.e., your /64 prefix and default route) to get on line, we have a simple way for you to do that without the overhead of DHCP. If you have other needs, we'll add them to DHCPv6 as we go along."

As such, many host stacks did not use DHCP for address assignment.

And in the general case, that works quite well.

Please also note that as far back as 10 years ago there was a fairly vocal group of us that were saying things like, "Hey, we _like_ DHCP, and don't see the use case for RA;" and, "This RA thing is not going to cover all the ways that we use/need DHCP now, so what's the point?" We were shouted down by the RA advocates so to a greater or lesser extent we stopped trying. Now we've come to yet another use case where RA doesn't cut it, but DHCP does.

Now, operators wanted to offer IPv6 service.  I hope we think that is
a good thing.

Major style points here btw. :)

For residential, they looked at what they could count
on from the hosts.  And some of them concluded that they could not
count on DHCP, so they designed an architecture around SLAAC.  In
other words, they ddi what we told them to do.

Eh, not so much actually. See above on what RA can actually be counted on for, and what "they" should have heard and understood about it.

Meanwhile, please provide examples of any OS with greater than 5% market share that is capable of v6-only operation without the ability to do DHCPv6.

[snipping the bit where you put words in my mouth]



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