On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 10:45, George Michaelson <ggm+i...@apnic.net> wrote:
> There is a general model here which will re-occur many many times.
> manufacturers have context-specific serial numbers which behave in context 
> like EUI164.
> It is reasonable (from their perspective) to ask if there is an address 
> management function which can suit their context, to exploit IPv6. Perhaps a 
> private overlay network for IPSEC trusted remote upload and download. re-blow 
> your SONY TV on any Internet via a trust path homed inside the manufacturer. 
> 'ET call home' models of device management.

An overlay sure.  One could use IPv6 addresses the way back-to-my-Mac
does.  But I would like it to be clear that

  Internet location


  Endpoint identification for use by applications

are totally different functions and in the long run everything is
easier if they are kept separate.  It's taken us 20 years to get to
the point where we might be able to separate them.  Let's help others
not go through the same learning experience.
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