On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 11:16, George Michaelson <ggm+i...@apnic.net> wrote:
>>  Internet location
>> and
>>  Endpoint identification for use by applications
>> are totally different functions and in the long run everything is
>> easier if they are kept separate.
> I *think* I'd do a 'no disagree +1' on that, but maybe thats another 
> conversation.
>>  It's taken us 20 years to get to
>> the point where we might be able to separate them.  Let's help others
>> not go through the same learning experience.
> Like I said, the conversation is going to happen, and we have to face their 
> expectations. I think its being done individually, industrial sector by 
> sector. My first introduction was the smart whitegoods sector, washing 
> machines and the like. I had no exposure to the car segment but its clear 
> high-value goods attract 'smart' solutions labels like flies to honey.
> I don't think "go away" is the right answer. I think "your model has flaws" 
> is closer.

Someone (IAB? ISOC?) needs to publish something to the world about
separation of functions, and the perils of mixing locators and
identifiers.  We can help write it.

> The key message is that if they apply for patents in it (BMW) they clearly 
> see dollar-signs and its very hard to trump money.

Hadn't thought of that.  Hm.

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