On 6/14/2011 5:32 PM, Stephen Farrell wrote:

Hi Joe,

Fair point about the draft-gont document. I've taken it out
for now.

Which was the 6man I-D you meant?

The one ref'd inside the draft-gont-v6ops doc - it's draft-gont-6man...

There aren't issues with the draft-ietf-6man docs.


There are now two referenced
thanks to recent comments and both are draft-ietf-6man so have
presumably been adopted by the WG.

My current version is attached following today's edits in case
that helps.

I've still not included rfc 3514 but the more iterations this
takes, the more I'm getting more tempted:-)


On 15/06/11 01:17, Joe Touch wrote:
Hi, all,

It'd be useful to wait until these docs (this v6ops one and the 6man one
it refers) are adopted by the relevant WGs before noting them in
recommendations to external parties, IMO.

Some of the recommendations in these documents are akin to "if I didn't
expect it, it's an attack", which I feel makes our protocols too brittle
unless we are in a situation of known security compromise via other
indicators. The latter doc (6man) also silently discards legitimate
packets (complicating debugging), and ends up deprecating the entire
extension header feature of IPv6 for all IPv6 signaling protocols -
which seems like a bad idea overall.

I'd prefer to see the relevant WGs endorse these as useful ways forward
before adding them to this list.


On 6/14/2011 4:07 AM, Stephen Farrell wrote:

Thanks Nick,

I'll add that unless someone tells me its a bad plan.
Its a fairly fresh I-D, but I guess it looks pretty
relevant all right.


On 14/06/11 11:00, Nick Hilliard wrote:
On 14/06/2011 00:09, Stephen Farrell wrote:
       * RFC 6105 – "IPv6 Router Advertisement Guard"
       * RFC 6106 – "IPv6 Router Advertisement Options for DNS
         Configuration", §7 in particular.

maybe mention draft-gont-v6ops-ra-guard-evasion?  It's not a strategic
focused document, but gives specific advice on a specific issue which is
relevant to ipv6 lan deployments.


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