
On Aug 7, 2011, at 2:58 PM, Mark Smith wrote:

> Hi Joel,
> I've been and am in the middle of starting a new job and moving
> inter-state over the last few weeks, so I haven't been able to spend as
> much time on this as I'd have liked to, as I'm quite interested in this
> issue being resolved. I haven't had a chance, and won't over the next
> few weeks to thoroughly read the draft, hopefully below is useful.
> I have been working on my own proposal to address this issue by
> abandoning the state held during the NS/NA transaction, and relying on
> the traffic originating hosts to retransmit their NS/NA triggering
> traffic if the stateless NS/NA transaction fails.
> On Sun, 7 Aug 2011 10:57:45 -0700
> Joel Jaeggli <> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> This is followup from our discussion in both v6ops and 6man. We got a lot of 
>> useful input, but I would like to ask the mailing list to see if we can 
>> solidify this into a course of action.
>> For reference:
>> 1. Is this document (draft-gashinsky-v6nd-enhance) worthwhile?
> Yes
>> 2. Is there critique of the two proposed 4861 changes?
>>      A. 7.3  NDP Protocol Gratuitous NA
>>              a. We believe the is the question is whether the technique 
>> would 
>>              be useful under duress, wether it is potentially dangerous,
>>              if the safeguards are adequate, etc.
>>      B. 7.4 ND cache priming and refresh
> Haven't had the chance to thoroughly understand them yet.
>> 3. Should we separate the potential mitigations (section 6) and 
>> implementation advice (section 7.1 and 7.2) into a separate document.
> Yes. 
>>      A. Assumption (validated in v6ops at ietf81) is that v6ops would be 
>> happy
>>       to take the mitigation and implementation advice as an informational 
>> document
>>      B. Assumption 2 a draft updating 4861 would be a standards track 
>> document.
>>      C. Assumption 3, should harmonize with  
>> draft-nordmark-6man-impatient-nud-00
>> 4. Is there anyone who thinks that an update to 4861 to address dos exposure 
>> is unnecessary?
> I think this issue is essential to address. The end-users of the
> Internet, and the services/applications they use, usually reside on
> LANs, and LANs are vulnerable to this attack. The /127 or similar
> techniques aren't applicable to LANs or point-to-point links such as SP
> residential subscriber PPP/PPPoE sessions. A general method to resolve
> this issue for all links, regardless of their role in the network or
> their type should be the goal.
>>      A. Just publish the advice and be done with it?
>> Comments on some or all of these questions would help the authors decide 
>> where to go next.
>> Thanks
>> Joel
> HTH,
> Mark.

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