Dan Wing wrote:

> ALGs are harmful and the NAT industry has over a decade experience
> that shows ALGs are harmful.  ALGs have prevented proper operation
> of SIP, FTP, and a variety of other protocols.

Harmful in your sense of the word is good, in some circles. Remember, we are 
only talking about ALGs to the outside Internet, not ALGs in paths internal to 
the controls network. (I guess I didn't make that clear when responding to 
Joel, but Roland did.) And too, other networks that are non-critical would not 
be limited this way.

In some circles, the fact that SIP, FTP, or what have you, are either hampered 
or rendered useless, from the Internet direct to an internal device, is deemed 
to be a feature. Nothing must be allowed to go direct.

I think there are very few arguments now, if any, that would change this 
culture. In fact, all the talk is about locking everything down more, not less. 
People get beat up for creating vulnerabilities, never for making outside 
access more difficult. And yet, IP is what everyone is specifying. Go figure.


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