> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rémi Després [mailto:remi.desp...@free.fr]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 1:44 AM
> To: Dan Wing
> Cc: 'Brian E Carpenter'; ipv6@ietf.org
> Subject: Re: Fragmentation-related security issues
> Hi Dan,
> As you rightly reminded, the current specification permits PTB<1280 for
> a DST reached via a IPv6/IPv4 translator (an IPv4 DST), and forbids it
> for an IPv6 DST.
> Rather than changing this, what about clarifying that a host SHOULD
> treat a received PTB>1280 as:
> - valid if the IPv6 DST was IPv4-embedded (starting with a pref64 of
> RFC6147)

That only helps in half of the RFC6144 scenarios, where the IPv6
host is behind the translator (e.g., "Scenario 1: an IPv6 network to the
IPv4 Internet").  It would not help in the other half of the RFC6144
scenarios where the IPv6 host is on the Internet (e.g., "Scenario 4:
an IPv4 network to the IPv6 Internet").  It is RFC6144's Scenario 4
where stateless IPv6/IPv4 translators, where the IPv4 network has a
small MTU, that there is a reliance on the last paragraph of Section
5 of RFC2460.


> - an ERROR otherwise.
> This would at least dissuade from tolerating IPv6 paths with PMTU <
> 1280.
> RD
> Le 2012-01-03 à 21:43, Dan Wing a écrit :
> >> ...
> >> From: Brian E Carpenter [mailto:brian.e.carpen...@gmail.com]
> >> ...
> >> On 2012-01-04 08:02, Dan Wing wrote:
> >>> ...
> >>> So, I don't think we can just wish away packet-too-big < 1280.
> >>
> >> Sadly, that seems to be true unless we make a much more radical
> change,
> >> because of translators.
> >
> > Or, we declare a new restriction that translators are not expected to
> > work if the IPv4 network has an MTU less than 1260 (1260=1280-20,
> > because IPv6 header is 20B bigger than IPv4 header).  I don't know if
> there
> > is consensus for such a restriction.  To date, both RFC2765 and
> RFC6145
> > avoided such a restriction.  However, if there are widespread IPv6
> > host implementations or firewalls that erroneously filter or ignore
> > ICMP PTB < 1280, it may force IPv6/IPv4 translator deployments to
> > accept that restriction, and modify their IPv4 networks to have
> > MTU>=1260.  Such IPv4 network modifications would add to further
> > pain to IPv6 coexistence.  MTU research by Ben Stasiewicz and
> > Matthew Luckie (WAND), published and presented at RIPE and
> > other conferences, shows a 2-3% failure rate to various popular
> > web sites.  They did additional testing during World IPv6 Day,
> > but I haven't dug into those results yet.
> >
> > -d
> >
> >
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> > ipv6@ietf.org
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