On 01/04/2012 05:55, RJ Atkinson wrote:
> Earlier, Doug Barton wrote:
>> On 01/03/2012 11:02, Dan Wing wrote:
>>> If IPv6 hosts don't handle
>>> ICMP packet-too-big of less than 1280, those IPv4/IPv6 translators 
>>> won't work with sub-1280 MTU IPv4 paths.
>> ... and this is not a feature because? And no, don't quote the
>> robustness principle. The floor for MTU has been hard-coded since day 1,
>> so anyone who breaks that deserves what they get.
> In fact, the MTU floor CHANGED from 576 to 1280 well AFTER day 1,

Technically you're correct of course, but for all practical values of
"day 1" I think my point remains valid.

> Separately, I'm old enough to believe in the robustness
> principle -- because Jon Postel's argument for it was 
> (and remains) quite correct.

In the abstract, sure. But to what extent does that argument apply to
people who made a best effort at following the spec and didn't get it
done exactly the way that you did; and to what extent does it apply to
people who say "Screw the spec, I'm gonna do it this way, you sort it out."



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