On Dec 19, 2012, at 1:24 AM, Rémi Després wrote:

> (c) In the Identifier-Locator Network Protocol of RFC 6741 (ILNP), the IEEE 
> semantic of g=0 applies to unicast addresses (section 3). Besides, "ILNP uses 
> IPv6 multicast for ILNPv6", which implies that addresses are not concerned 
> with IID formats (RFC 4291 sec 2.7).  Other formats are envisaged but 
> explicitly depend on further work. The u=g=1 remains unused.

It is true that ILNP uses multicast addresses; so do a number of applications, 
such as multicast DNS, routing protocols, etc. Last I checked, an IPv6 
multicast address is not identified by having bit 71 of the address set to 1 
(RFC 4291 section 2.5.1), but by being within the prefix FF00::/8 (RFC 4291 
section 2.7). 
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