Le 2012-12-19 à 11:20, Ray Hunter <v6...@globis.net> a écrit :

>> Rémi Després <mailto:despres.r...@laposte.net>
>> 19 December 2012 10:45
>> Hello, Ray,
>> 2012-12-19 09:57, Ray Hunter <v6...@globis.net> :
>> ...
>> The proposal is precisely to use the only remaining unused pattern
>> (u=g=1) as an escape mechanism FOR ALL future IID formats.
>> (Among IIDs having u=g=1, 4rd is proposed to reserve only IIDs
>> starting with 00000011, i.e. 1/64th of the left space.)
>> In my understanding, this exactly what you are looking for in view of
>> constraints of compatibility with past decisions.
>> Note that, with the 4rd specification as is, the 4rd reserved pattern
>> could even be 0000001100000000, i.e. 1/16384 of the left space.
>> Hoping it clarifies,
>> Regards,
>> RD
> I already understood this [I do read all posts on this list, even if I
> don't post replies].

Well, this was to answer your statement that (upper cases added) "assigning a 
huge block of space for u=1 g=1 EXCLUSIVELY for a tunnel protocol like 4rd is 
fundamentally unfair
and restrictive for future assignment mechanisms".

> My points are:
> 1) I am not comfortable with the IETF overloading IEEE semantics: the
> semantics of g & u bits aren't exclusively ours to assign.
> The combination g=1 u=1 is not unused as you state: that's IEEE OUI
> assigned multicast.

> It is only in combination with IETF IPv6 unicast address space that they
> are deemed "ambiguous".

IEEE isn't concerned with what uses IETF makes, at the IP layer, of 
IEEE-specified link-layer formats.
In this context, IETF problems, if any, can and must be solved in IETF alone.
> 2) They may be used for something else in the future (and potentially by
> the IEEE without reference to the IETF)
> You want to use the using the existing (ambiguous) combination u=1 g=1
> EUI-64 and IPv6 unicast to statelessly map IPv4 over IPv6 unicast (or as
> an escape for other IID formats). Given that large scale deployment of
> multicast in general (and multicast IPv6 routing in particular) is still
> very much in its infancy, someone might well want to map the whole IEEE
> EUI-64 multicast addresses statelessly also using u=1 g=1 into unicast
> IPv6. And any use by 4rd would likely prevent that mapping unless 4rd is
> assigned it's own OUI.

If you have a specific idea about a format you would like to see for multicast, 
it can be looked at but, in any case, it won't change the fact that no 
RFC-compliant unicast address has u=g=1.

In IETF, rather than being "ambiguous", u=g=1 is simply UNUSED (no meaning at 
all so far).

(*) An assigned OUI wouldn't be sufficient because the IID wouldn't have enough 
free bits for an IPv4 address plus a checksum-neutrality preserver. It was 
already explained in an answer to Bob)
Besides, even if a reserved OUI would work, it would need to involve IEEE, 
which isn't necessary.

> I understand that the base requirements for 4rd are that
> 1) every node has to have the potential to be able to easily assign an
> identifier for terminating a 4rd tunnel from existing IPv6 space if possible
> 2) stateless 4rd gateways have to be able to easily recognise 4rd
> traffic (without explicitly configuring a tunnel or IPv6 address space
> in advance)
> 3) IPv4 space (potentially overloaded with RFC1918) has to be mapped
> transparently, symmetrically, and easily, over the 4rd tunnel at the 4rd
> endpoints and the 4rd gateways.

> I see no requirement that *all* of the above requirements need to be
> encoded directly into the IPv6 IID.
> Existing nodes that do not process 4rd at all do not need 3)

The fact that SOME nodes need it is sufficient for the need to exist.

> Hence my suggestion to investigate using an alternative of an IEEE
> assigned OUI for 1&2 together with standard IPv6 SLAAC (without changing
> any existing standards at all) and add an additional 4rd header for 3)
> to add any additional information that is 4rd specific. I don't think
> that would fundamentally change your existing ID at all, just how the
> specific bits are packaged into an IPv6 unicast packet.
> This also having the advantage that if ever there was an 4rdv2 you'd
> have a lot more to play with in your 4rd specific header.

See (*) above.


> regards,
> RayH
>> Ray Hunter <mailto:v6...@globis.net>
>> 19 December 2012 09:57
>> OK I'll bite. All IMVHO.
>> In answer to Fred's question, to me the current problem is on the end
>> hosts and not on existing intermediate devices.
>> There are many different ways to assign IPv6 addresses, including manual
>> assignment, that can all run simultaneously on the same interface/link
>> and the same /64 prefix. New IDs are still being generated on address
>> assignment even today e.g.
>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-gont-6man-stable-privacy-addresses
>> &
>> 4rd https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-softwire-4rd/. I'm sure
>> there'll be many more in the future.
>> Some of those ID's do put additional semantics into the IID. Others don't.
>> Some of those that use semantics in the IID sometimes do not rely on DAD
>> to detect assignment clashes.
>> It seems to me with the benefit of hindsight that a fundamentally better
>> approach would have been to reserve many more bits in the IID, or in RA
>> PIO, to create mutually exclusive subspaces per assignment mechanism or
>> per class of assignment mechanism, but that train has probably left the
>> station long ago, and that now assigning a huge block of space for u=1
>> g=1 exclusively for a tunnel protocol like 4rd is fundamentally unfair
>> and restrictive for future assignment mechanisms. Also having addresses
>> assigned without performing DAD would seem a bad move to me on any
>> prefix with more than one address assignment scheme running.
>> Besides, who will guarantee that the IEEE won't come up with some future
>> use for u=1 g=1? I'm not even sure the IETF should define these semantics.
>> So in response to Joel, I'd humbly suggest defining u=1 g=1 as reserved
>> for future use (to be defined in conjunction with the IEEE).
>> To me, an alternative for consideration for 4rd would be either to use a
>> dedicated IEEE-defined special-purpose OUI (together with an additional
>> rd4 specific header for any remaining bits that cannot be encoded
>> directly in the IID/IPv6 address), or to use locally assigned IIDs
>> starting with binary 000 and ensure no other locally assigned IIDs are
>> running on this particular scope. That should avoid changing any other
>> standards or existing implementations.
>> regards,
>> RayH
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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