On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Rémi Després <despres.r...@laposte.net> wrote:
> 2012-12-2110:49, Ole Troan <otr...@employees.org> :
> ...
>>> (*)
>>> 4rd implementors are free to add code to reject any intra-site IID that (by 
>>> mistake) would be universal-scope, and in the 4rd-assigned IID range.
>> but the current specification does not handle conflicts?
> There is no relation between this subject and whether assigning to 4rd an IID 
> range having u=g=1 is "actually compatible with the IPv6 addressing 
> architecture", which is the question asked to 6man by Suresh.
>> I don't know what an intra-site IID is.
> An IID that is used in within a site.

and what is a site? thought we gave up that definition ages ago?

>>> Whether including this extra complexity would be valuable enough is 
>>> debatable, not forgetting that:
>>> - 4rd is experimental
>>> - RFC 4862 says "IPv6 nodes are not required to validate that interface 
>>> identifiers created with modified EUI-64 tokens with the "u" bit set to 
>>> universal are unique". (There is no guarantee that DAD will prevent all 
>>> misuses of universal-scope IIDs.)
>> that's not quite what 4862 says.
> Indeed, as you noted in another mail, that's RFC 4291 that says it ;-).
>> if the purpose of the reserved block is to avoid conflict with existing 
>> nodes on the link, then
>> that idea trivially breaks when you put two 4rd CEs on the same link.
> This can be continued offline if you insist, but there has already been 
> discussions in Softwire on this subject, with no issue left.

again, can you please give us a brief summary instead of just
"claiming" it has already been solved?


Roger Jorgensen           | ROJO9-RIPE
rog...@gmail.com          | - IPv6 is The Key!
http://www.jorgensen.no   | ro...@jorgensen.no
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