On Friday 8th Feb 2013, Karl Auer wrote, in part:
> Do you mean that the ESP header must be the first item in the
> fragmentable part of the first fragment? Or that the ESP header
> must be (at least partly) in the non-fragmentable part of the
> first fragment?

I can't lex your question, so please forgive me for 
starting from first principles.  :-)

As the name Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) implies, 
ESP *encapsulates* other information, (seeks to) protect 
the encapsulated information, and ESP is always a 
terminating payload.  

Put another way, while ESP might contain something else
(e.g. an encrypted blob that if successfully decrypted
becomes a TCP header and TCP data segment), ESP is itself
always the last payload in the original on-the-wire packet.

In the general case, the ESP is encrypted, so the only 
parseable object is the SPI, which consists of the first 
few bytes of the ESP.  The SPI is used to demux different
ESP-protected sessions so that a legitimate recipient
can learn which cryptographic keys/algorithms/modes 
to apply to the ESP in order to retrieve the protected

While various techniques for parsing an ESP that might not 
be encrypted have been proposed, none seems completely 
(i.e. 100.00%) reliable.  Separately, the proposed WESP 
extension appears to have zero implementations, and no
support in any router/middlebox/firewall/NAT device.
So WESP turns out to be irrelevant for this discussion.

> If the latter, that's a new kind of animal.

Not at all.  ESP isn't an optional intermediate header.
ESP always is an optional terminating payload, optional
in the sense that a packet could contain other terminating
payloads (e.g. UDP, TCP, SCTP, ICMP).

> At present, a header is either completely in the
> non-fragmentable part or completely in the fragment able
> part.  Permitting a header to straddle the fragment header
> seems odd,

It is already the normal case for ESP.  At present,
ESP might be partly in a first fragment, split between
two fragments, or entirely in a non-first fragment.

> and I can't immediately see how you could do it without
> changing the fragment header definition, either.

In turn, your confusion puzzles me.
Does the above explanation help at all ?  



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