On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Michael Sweet <msw...@apple.com> wrote:

> Kerry,
> On 2013-05-24, at 2:51 PM, Kerry Lynn <ker...@ieee.org> wrote:
> ...
> Just so we're clear, I assume this does NOT work today with link-local
> IPv6 addresses (because no print client yet
> constructs a Host URI with link-local address and zoneID according to RFC
> 6874)?  And you're saying that RFC 6874
> does not improve on the current situation?
> Correct on both counts.
> What we have been advising printer vendors to do for the last 8 years is
> to support the IPvFuture address syntax, based on some discussions I had 8
> years ago with one of the HTTP WG members at the time (and I apologize for
> not having more details, I lost my email archives recently and haven't been
> able to recover the files yet...) The "recommended" syntax at the time was:
>     scheme://[v1.fe80::xxxx:...:xxxx+zoneid]:port/path
> So it appears the current 'host' production used by print drivers is not
currently specified
by any RFC; why not just continue to use the same format irrespective of
RFC 6874?

> Support for that format got added to CUPS back in 2005, with most current
> printers supporting it as well.  By printer support, I mean they use the
> address as-is when returning URIs, they don't actually care about the
> zoneid...
> I've been doing some testing locally and it seems that some OS
> libraries/frameworks work with the new address format, some with the old
> IPvFuture format, but so far none work with both.
> Another data point: none of the web browsers I've tested allow link-local
> IPv6 addresses, period. Some don't understand the IPvFuture or RFC 6874
> formats, some decide you meant to search for the IPv6 address (which
> produces some interesting search results...)
> It's the browser case that RFC 6874 was primarily meant to deal with.


I still need to do more testing with printers to see what they do with RFC
> 6874 URIs once the print client (CUPS) is updated.  I suspect it will be a
> mixed result...
> _________________________________________________________
> Michael Sweet, Senior Printing System Engineer, PWG Chair
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