
On 2013-05-24, at 4:33 PM, Ole Troan <otr...@employees.org> wrote:
>> ...
>> All of this falls apart with link-local addresses and RFC 6874.  Because the 
>> client is required to remove the zoneid from the outgoing request, the URIs 
>> it gets back from the server are no longer "reachable".
> how is this different from any other application using link-local addresses?

In this case, the server is returning absolute URIs (for printers, typically 
URIs with http, https, ipp, or ipps schemes on a variety of ports) that the 
client can later use for accessing the corresponding resources.

> ...
> client connects to http:://[fe80::1%Ethernet0/0]
> the client has to assume that all embedded URIs with link-local addresses 
> belong to the same zone that it connected to.
> after all they cannot belong to any other zone...  the server obviously has 
> to make sure it never gives out these URIs
> to a client connecting using non-link-local addresses multiple hops away.

OK, so the problem is that absolute URIs are embedded in the content returned 
by the server. Forcing the client to rewrite all of the URIs in the returned 
content is a tremendous burden on the client, while the server is generating 
these absolute URIs on-the-fly to satisfy the client's request and could 
include the zoneid information essentially "for free" with minor changes to its 
input validation (to allow addresses with zoneid information).

Put another way, would you rather write the client code that "fixes" every 
embedded URI in an IPP response, HTML document, CSS file, XML file, XSLT file, 
PDF file, etc., or would you prefer writing the server code that just embeds 
the client-provided address in the URIs it returns?

>> What I propose is that we change the wording to allow the zoneid in the Host 
>> header but not in the Request-URI.  HTTP proxies would be required to strip 
>> any zoneid information in the Host header.  HTTP servers would be required 
>> to ignore any zoneid information for purposes of address validation but 
>> include it for any absolute URIs to the server they generate.
>> Thoughts?
> to reword. you need something for which the client gives the server some 
> opaque information that it can use to identify interface when it gets the 
> embedded URIs in the reply back?
> again I don't understand why the client doesn't know the interface to use 
> already.

The client software /may/ know the interface in use because it has an absolute 
URI containing this information.  I say may because in many cases this 
information is abstracted away in some toolkit so all the client software may 
see is a printer name, e.g., "Acme Laser Printer down the Hall".

Moreover, the returned IPP response, HTML document, etc. may be used by code 
that no longer has access to the original address information - it has lost the 
original context and thus a link local address without zoneid information is 
basically inaccessible short of iterating over all the client's interfaces 
(assuming your OS of choice even allows ordinary users/applications to do 

For example, CUPS supports PPD keywords that specify the absolute URI of the 
printer's administration and supply report web pages. This information is 
collected when the queue is setup, and if the printer is setup using a numeric 
IPv6 link local address we need to store the client's interface name (zoneid) 
with the URI so it can be accessed in the future.  We made an implementation 
choice 8 years ago (in cooperation with the printer vendors) to support this 
configuration by passing the client's zoneid in the request so that the printer 
could return the same address+zoneid in any URIs, and that has served us well 
for the (small number of) users that want/need this capability.  Each client 
has its own PPD file using its own zoneid information...

Michael Sweet, Senior Printing System Engineer, PWG Chair

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