
On 2013-05-28, at 3:34 PM, Ray Hunter <v6...@globis.net> wrote:
> Warning: post contains dumb questions.

No such thing! :)

>> ...
>> All of this falls apart with link-local addresses and RFC 6874.  Because the 
>> client is required to remove the zoneid from the outgoing request, the URIs 
>> it gets back from the server are no longer "reachable".
> Trying to understand what's going on here and what the root problem is.
> I have some dumb questions:
> Is the zoneid in the URI the interface on the client or the server node?

It is the interface on the client.

> What does other party learn from this information, since zoneid is
> currently defined as being local to the node and has no significance
> outside the context of the node?

The only thing it learns is "this is the address the client is using to talk to 

> If the other party learns nothing, and the originating node just needs
> to hear an echo of it's own information for it's own use, what's wrong
> with using a cookie (server originated), or a hidden variable (client
> originated), to transport this interface information along with the
> request/reply?

Well, for starters none of that is standardized, whereas "Host" is a required 
HTTP request header that printers (and web servers) already support.

Also, passing the information back from the server in a cookie doesn't address 
the client-sde URI rewriting problem: it is much simpler (and less error prone) 
for the server to use the client-supplied address for the URIs in its response 
than for the client to parse and rewrite all of the URIs in the server's 

> What if both the server AND the client have multiple interfaces: how do
> they both know which local interface on their own node is mutually
> connected and to be used for communication? There's only one single
> zoneid in the URI, so presumably one of the nodes is lacking some
> information.

The server knows its own link-local addresses and doesn't need the zoneid 

For the use case under discussion, the client only knows its zoneid information 
because the user/administrator has supplied it along with the printer's 
link-local address.

> Shouldn't both nodes be using ND to learn this information?
> If there's nothing in the cache, try all interfaces?

It would be awesome if printers supported Neighbor Discovery, but of the four 
printers in my home office only three support IPv6 and only one supports ND.  
One of the IPv6 printers is 3 years old, the other three are less than a year 

On the client side you'll find a similar story - sporadic support, and in many 
cases the ND information isn't wired into the resolver libraries, making it 
impossible to use a bare IPv6 link-local address without the zoneid added at 
the end...

Michael Sweet, Senior Printing System Engineer, PWG Chair

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