Hi Ole,

Am 29.05.2013 14:49, schrieb Ole Troan:
>>> confused. a host cannot support IPv6 if it doesn't support ND. could
>>> you please clarify?
>> I'm not sure that your statement is fully correct.
>> Though I'm convinced that ND provides many useful
>> features, in specific environments and rare cases
>> the use of ND may be problematic (due to security
>> or "performance" reasons).
>> The IPv6 spec luckily doesn't require that a node MUST
>> use ND. If you create static permanent Neighbor Cache
>> entries and switch off NUD, there is no need to perform
>> ND (sacrificing flexibility and some robustness).
> I presume you are not suggesting that to install my new printer I need to:
>  - manually pick and configure any addresses on the printer that isn't 
> link-local
>  - manually install a default route on the printer
>  - configure the neighbor cache on the printer for _all_ directly connected 
> hosts and routers
>  - configure the neighbor cache on all the other hosts and routers.

No, I'm obviously _not_ suggesting this
and you don't want this in ordinary environments.
But in theory, IPv6 works w/o ND, which was my point.
(e.g., consider using devices with unidirectional channels only).

> in the department of splitting hairs, I think we're done here. ;-)



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