>>>>> "Ray" == Ray Hunter <v6...@globis.net> writes:
    >>> What if both the server AND the client have multiple interfaces: how do
    >>> they both know which local interface on their own node is mutually
    >>> connected and to be used for communication? There's only one single
    >>> zoneid in the URI, so presumably one of the nodes is lacking some
    >>> information.

    >> The server knows its own link-local addresses and doesn't need
    >> the zoneid information. 

    Ray> I don't understand this logic. I'm presuming the outbound interface for
    Ray> replies is being selected by mirroring the inbound addresses of the
    Ray> request [quoting RFC6724: "In many cases, this is trivially
    Ray> dealt with

yeah, that's just TCP.

    Ray> However I thought one of the use cases was the printer sending
    Ray> unsolicited information such as "out of paper".

I don't know how this works in an unsolicited way.
I thought that with the ways we have tried to standardize (IPP, XMPP,
SIP, forgive me... I don't know which won) the client pretty much always
has to subscribe, or it's a broadcast/multicast.

    >> For the use case under discussion, the client only knows its
    >> zoneid information because the user/administrator has supplied it
    >> along with the printer's link-local address. 
    Ray> Right. That was going to be my next question.

    Ray> How does the very first URI learn the correct ZoneID in the first 
    Ray> Manually.

In a Bonjour/mDNS scenario, the client sees the link-local address on interface
with zoneID FOO, and records that.  The client learns it's correct ZoneID.
(At no point does it matter what the server's zoneid for the interface

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [ 
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        | network architect  [ 
]     m...@sandelman.ca  http://www.sandelman.ca/        |   ruby on rails    [ 

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