>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Sweet <msw...@apple.com> writes:
    Ray> How does the very first URI learn the correct ZoneID in the first 
    Ray> Manually.
    >> In a Bonjour/mDNS scenario, the client sees the link-local address on 
    >> with zoneID FOO, and records that.  The client learns it's correct 
    >> (At no point does it matter what the server's zoneid for the interface
    >> is)

    Michael> One important point here: we don't send IPv6 link local
    Michael> addresses in this case, we send the .local hostname that
    Michael> the printer is using.  This avoids the whole issue of IPv6
    Michael> link-local addresses in URIs, we just have to deal with

Yes, I see your point that in the mDNS case, likely we have a name.
But not always.  Sometimes, one starts with a name, it gets translated
to an address, then gets passed elsewhere in some way, and only the
address is left.  When the name got turned into an address, it got a
zoneID (in the struct addrinfo) assigned.  

If you then pass that somewhere else, or into the kernel, maybe it goes
through some network policy code (e.g. IPsec SPD... into a key daemon),
the name is long lost.

And of course, we have the human debugging situation, which is the most
likely use.

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [ 
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        | network architect  [ 
]     m...@sandelman.ca  http://www.sandelman.ca/        |   ruby on rails    [ 

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