Probably this could be a good opportunity to publish a document "do not
do this".




On 5/30/13 12:17 PM, Joel M. Halpern wrote:
> While it is true that any operator can do whatever they want, this
> proposal is architecturally a bad way to achieve the kind of goals you
> outline.
> So I would oppose publishing even an informational RFC on how one might
> do this.
> As an example of the problems with this, you suggested that allocations
> to enterprise would not change with this approach.  That the enterprise
> would receive a certain semantic, and would be allocated a certain /48
> to match that.  While this sounds attractive and harmless:
> 1) It is extremely unlike that a customer will fall into a single
> "semantic" with any useful definition of semantic
> 2) You have argued that you can not use DSCP because they are not fine
> enough grained.  This means that you want to increase the routing
> complexity by more than a factor of 64, which seems to be a VERY bad
> idea for any operator infrastructure.
> So even from a simple analysis, this seems somewhere between useless and
> extremely dangerous.
> Yours,
> Joel M. Halpern
> On 5/30/2013 3:00 AM, Sheng Jiang wrote:
> ...
>> Hi, Tim,
>> It is exactly what the draft document. These semantics is only
>> meaningful locally within the assigning provider network. It may only
>> be interpretation between agreeing providers.
>> Any efforts to add global or generic semantics to IP address is
>> overload the IP architecture and it bad direction, I agree.
>>> I think people will do this type of thing, so an Informational document
>>> discussing the pros and cons, and how semantics can be used, is
>>> probably a
>>> good thing.  Perhaps a "Potential Pitfalls" type section after the
>>> "Potential
>>> Benefits" section would balance the document a little better?
>> Yes. We will do so in the future version.
>> Cheers,
>> Sheng
> ...
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