>>> Yes. We will do so in the future version.
>>Good, and I think it's important to do so. George and Lorenzo's 
>> comments are
>>good starting points for that section. The potential 
>> privacy/information
>>leakage aspect is also worth capturing, should those addresses be 
>> seen
>>outside the organisation.
> Thanks, Tim. The purpose of this document is not recommend or propose
> a good architecture. It is to document something that is going to
> exist and analyze it. The pitfalls is very important for a neutral
> analysis
> Cheers,
> Sheng


  Yes please do this. To me it now it reads more like "you can do this,
we recommend you to do it" when it should say "you can do this, it is
bad for this, it is good for this" and even you could include something
like "we do not recommend you do it but if you want to shoot you in the
foot you are free to do so."

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