>>>> Yes. We will do so in the future version.
>>>Good, and I think it's important to do so. George and Lorenzo's
>>> comments are
>>>good starting points for that section. The potential
>>> privacy/information
>>>leakage aspect is also worth capturing, should those addresses be
>>> seen
>>>outside the organisation.
>> Thanks, Tim. The purpose of this document is not recommend or propose
>> a good architecture. It is to document something that is going to
>> exist and analyze it. The pitfalls is very important for a neutral
>> analysis
>> Cheers,
>> Sheng
>  Yes please do this. To me it now it reads more like "you can do this,
>we recommend you to do it" when it should say "you can do this, it is
>bad for this, it is good for this" and even you could include something
>like "we do not recommend you do it but if you want to shoot you in the
>foot you are free to do so."

I will do this for sure. It seems the current form giving people the expression 
that I am 'selling' this 'good' approach. I am not. I just want to call 
people's attention - this is some way some providers would use their addresses. 
We, as IETF, should document it and give analysis on it. I will make this much 
clearer in the future version.

Best regards,


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