On May 31, 2013, at 5:46 AM, Ray Hunter <v6...@globis.net> wrote:
> I was suggesting looking at using a tag option within an existing header
> (the hop by hop header), which theoretically is already processed by all
> nodes along the path. So new options rather than a new header.

Right, but the hop-by-hop header doesn't exist unless you add it, and it can't 
be processed on the fast path.   It's useful for networks where there _is_ no 
fast path (e.g., llns), but not so useful for the applications we're talking 
about here (e.g., VoIP).

> But why are people coming up with these schemes for encoding semantics
> in the address prefixes in the first place? That's what I'd like to
> understand first and foremost: what lack of functionality is
> motivating/forcing these people to adopt such schemes?

This is a good question to be asking.

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