On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 2:38 AM, Ronald Bonica <rbon...@juniper.net> wrote:

>    ** **
> I'd like to understand the basis of these assertions. I believe what I am
> seeing, on the edge, suggests there is in fact V6 fragmentation in both TCP
> and UDP.****
> ** **
> ** **
> Hi George,****
> ** **
> It would be helpful if you could describe:****
> ** **
> **-          **Where your observations are being made

On our own web services (www.apnic.net, and an associated whois service
which attracts more wide ranging traffic)

On 'high in the tree' DNS servers for reverse DNS, including an NS of
in-addr.arpa and ip6.arpa (note: dns transport is disjoint from the
namespace being searched: we see queries over v6 transport to v4 domains,
and to ccTLD we secondary)

In a packet capture of 2400::/12 run in conjunction with Merit, as research
into darknets.

> ****
> **-          **What percentage of traffic is fragmented

our own web: practically none.

our own dns: 0.01%. in a sequence of 10 minute samples. consistently, I
might add.

the 2400::/12:  around 0.25% to 1%. so more variable, but higher.

> ****
> **-          **What kinds of packets are being fragmented

our own DNS: port 53. little TCP.

2400::/12 capture. mostly port 53. TCP doesn't get captured in the darknet
research. Its impossible to establish the end-to-end relationship.

I am not sure I call up to 1% of something 'rare'. I'm not even sure I call
0.1% or 0.01% of something 'rare'. Otherwise, Since IPv6 adoption rates are
at this class of deployment by end user, perhaps it also should be
considered for deprecation..

It really would be helpful to understand your assertion about the rarity of
IPv6 fragmentation. I want to understand how you got to this point of view
on IPv6 frags.


> ****
>                                                 Ron****
> ** **
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