adnanhemani commented on code in PR #9385:

@@ -749,4 +795,23 @@ public <T extends S3ClientBuilder> void 
applyEndpointConfigurations(T builder) {
+  /**
+   * Add the S3 Access Grants Plugin for an S3 client.
+   *
+   * <p>Sample usage:
+   *
+   * <pre>
+   *     
+   * </pre>
+   */
+  public <T extends S3ClientBuilder> void applyS3AccessGrantsConfigurations(T 
builder) {
+    if (isS3AccessGrantsEnabled) {
+      S3AccessGrantsPlugin s3AccessGrantsPlugin =

Review Comment:
   While looking into this, I don't think even the 
ApacheHttpClientConfigurations reflection workaround that was implemented 
earlier truly avoids a compile time dependency to be fair. I agree it may allow 
us to not need to load both conflicting JARs in at runtime, but while compiling 
the iceberg-aws module, you'll still need both ApacheHttpClient and 
UrlConnectionHttpClient classes.
   As a result, I'm interpreting what you're saying as: we should allow users 
to choose to add this dependency or not at runtime itself. But I don't think 
the same issues we were trying to solve in the 
ApacheHttpClient/UrlConnectionHttpClient case are (or ever will be) applicable 
here. Any number of AWS SDK Plugins can be attached on an AWS Client - and any 
collision in behavior between them are solely the responsibility of the 
customer defining the right set of plugins to add to the client (in other 
words, the mere presence of multiple plugins in the classpath cannot cause 
issues - only the runtime adding of the plugins to the client, which we cannot 
control anyways).
   I think this leaves one last concern (in my opinion): increased file size of 
the iceberg-aws module JAR. When I try to exclude the unnecessary dependencies 
from the S3 Access Grants plugin jar, it only increases the iceberg-aws module 
JAR's size from ~29MB to ~31MB (an increase of ~2MB). That change is not 
reflected in the PR, but if we are okay with including the plugin within the 
iceberg-aws module jar, I can make that change to the PR quickly.
   So, I think the question really boils down to: is the 2MB significant enough 
that it is problematic to package out of the box with Iceberg? If you think so, 
I can invest the time to add the reflection logic in. If not, I don't really 
see a reason to make any change on here.

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