
I have a setup at work where the company is using MS Exchange +
OAUTH2. I use DavMail to deal with OAUTH2 and then mbsync to connect to
DavMail. As MUA I use notmuch.

This was working OK for a while I think but then I started noticing
messages missing locally. Also I have seen messages being synced and
then later being deleted. This semms to have become worse and worse and
there are lots of messages missing.

I would very much like help in debugging this, I'm attaching my

In my setup it is actually not necessary to sync upstream. It would be
OK to just sync everything from the server down to my local storage and
nothing back - if that would help. As it is now the only thing being
synced back is the Sent folder, but that's not necessary.

I'm on MacOs Sonoma 14.5. I installed mbsync via homebrew and it is


IMAPAccount work
Host localhost
User johan.pa...@ericsson.com
PassCmd "security find-generic-password -a outlook -s mbsync -w"
Port 1143
SSLType None
AuthMechs Login
Timeout 120

IMAPStore work-remote
Account work

MaildirStore work-local
Subfolders Verbatim
Path ~/Maildir/work/
Inbox ~/Maildir/work/INBOX

Channel work
Master :work-remote:
Slave :work-local:
Patterns "INBOX" "Sent" "lists/*" "incoming/info" "incoming/nr"
Create Both
Sync All
Expunge Both
SyncState *
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