Great post Bruno!
Fantastic news about your son!
Have a good weekend and thanks for being very active on this mailing list!

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 9:33 AM, Bruno Lowagie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Harakiri wrote:
> > Great - best useless input i read for a while - congrats!
> Please note that Bill has provided valuable input in the past,
> on the list as well as personally. I consider him as a friend
> of the project as well as a personal friend.
> > 1. If you think it does not belong to itext list - why didnt you just
> simply reply to me ONLY - and not "spam" the list with you personal opinons
> - you should follow your own advice here
> I think that Bill's remark was triggered by the tone of your
> original post, more than because of the subject.
> The subject "What is supported in Adobe Reader / What isn't?"
> is "on topic" on this list. For instance: I had a similar
> concern a while ago regarding MarkUp annotations.
> I don't think Bill reacted to the "content" of what you were
> saying. I think his response originated from what I would call
> "Adobe bashing" and your more or less personal attack towards
> Leonard. Fortunately Leonard doesn't have my temper ;-)
> I think you and I are more alike. When we face something we don't
> like, we respond (not always in the most diplomatic way).
> Sure, you mentioned a problem to Adobe / Leonard a long time ago.
> Sure, it took some time before Adobe did something about the problem
> and if I understand you correctly, you fear that there are still
> some issues of which you fear they won't be fixed in Reader 9.
> But if we are indeed alike, you'll understand me when I say that
> your reaction wasn't very constructive, but on the contrary
> counter-productive. Unfortunately I know this from my own
> experience. On the other hand, our temper means that we're
> passionate people and people that are passionate about something
> are important too.
> Your remark is valid and a genuine concern. Other people have
> had similar concerns about iText. Nevertheless we have also
> 'ignored' bug reports in the past: because we lack the time,
> or simply 'because we forgot' (we are human too).
> You may say that there's a big difference between a community
> such as the iText community and a large major company such as
> Adobe (and there is, I won't deny that), but my experience with
> large corporations (for instance IBM), is that it's HARDER for
> developers to introduce new features, to fix bugs, to 'do the
> right thing' (developer wise) than for us.
> If we want to fix something, we have the freedom to do so.
> If a developer or an adviser at a major company wants to fix
> something, it has to go through a decision process and that can
> be a long chain (I don't know how it works at Adobe, but I know
> from developers at SUN and IBM that this can be very frustrating
> at times). I think you were wrong when you were angry with Leonard.
> It doesn't hurt to repeat a question if it's valid (and in your
> case it was), but it doesn't help anybody when you use language
> such as "in their infinite wisdom."
> I also use language like that ;-)
> I also don't agree with some of Adobe's decisions, but...
> I understand that they are not always inspired by Adobe developers
> or by people like Leonard; they are inspired by the fact that Adobe
> is a highly commercial company and stock holders expect it to make
> money.
> Also I think that it's a advantage for both Adobe and the iText
> community if we work together. For us it's important to have Leonard
> on this list to guide us when it comes to interpreting the PDF
> Reference. For Adobe it's important to have iText for instance now
> that the specification is an Open Standard. See yesterday's remarks:
> a competitor could make its own extensions, but if the iText
> community decides to prefer Adobe's extensions competitors
> will have a hard time penetrating the market.
> Adobe and iText may have different goals, but that doesn't
> mean our goals can't be complementary. I know that I'm naive
> (and most of the times I consider that as a virtue), but I
> believe that we can all benefit more if we maintain (maybe
> even improve) the current symbiosis than if we start competing.
> > 2. The subject is still for the original thread - if i would
> > change it - you couldnt easly follow it in mail archives like nabble
> I don't have an opinion about that.
> What you say is true for the 'Save' problem.
> I don't know if it's true for the URL problem.
> > 3. This issue directly concerns itext too - because the bug was here
> > first reported
> That's another thing why it's good for Adobe that iText exists.
> Leonard realizes that (that's why he invests time in this list),
> but I'm sure it's not always obvious for Leonard to keep Adobe
> as a company convinced that "iText is good for them".
> > and I'm pretty sure that other pdf developers want to
> > know that such a quirk exists (only using urls with max 233 chars
> > is a huge issue) and if it will be fixed in the upcoming adobe reader
> version
> Yes, and I'm 99% sure that Leonard will check this.
> As a developer however, I know (and I'm sure you know too)
> that some things that seem like a detail that should be
> "easy to fix" when you look at it from the outside, aren't
> always as easy when you look at it on the inside.
> > have a nice day
> Actually I'm having a nice day, because we've had some good
> news regarding Inigo's surgery. The analysis of the tissue
> they've removed from his leg isn't finished yet, but already
> they are sure that more than 90% of the malicious cancer cells
> were killed. This means he won't need heavier chemotherapy.
> In other words: when I talked about the 'best case scenario'
> three months ago, I can now say that we are 'still on schedule'
> for this scenario. We are now at 1/3 of the total treatment
> (about six more months of chemo treatment to go).
> best regards,
> Bruno
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