On 30/08/2013 8:21, i...@samea.de wrote:
> OK. Just for you to know DOCBOOK becomes a standard in documantation
> transformation (http://www.docbook.org/).

I know DocBook, but I didn't understand why you were referring to it. 
It's irrelevant in the context of your question.

> They start the page numbering with roman letters like (I, II, III, IV, ...).
> They countinue on the chapters with arabian numbers (1,2,3,4, ..).

That's irrelevant too. It's just a setting.

> So my goal is to
> - get the pdf made by docbook (made with fop).


> - parse the pdf and change the external links (to documents and graphics)
> into annotations

Not clear. External links in a PDF are already annotations (see 
ISO-32000-1 section "Link Annotations"), so this requirement 
doesn't make any sense.

> - finally I have to replace the external link with a internal link to the
> annotated file

This sounds like the use case explained on page 200 of "iText in Action 
- Second Edition." In that example, you have different documents with 
external links to each other. When concatenated, these remote goto links 
need to be changed into local goto links. As you're not referring to 
that example, it isn't clear if that's your requirement.

> So I started to convert my pdf to something like the “kubrick box” sample,

The fact that you do refer to the kubrick box sample is confusing. 
Suddenly you now start talking about creating a portable collection. If 
that's what you need, why are you talking about addTemplate()?

> By facing the deadline I decided, to do a totally dirty way. I used the
> “Layer” example, to get something working right now.

Now when you mention "Layer", everybody is thinking about OCG, but after 
reading the code sample, I'm even more confused. Now it's no longer 
about concatenation documents, but about embedding files.

If your previous question was as confusing as this one, I understand why 
you didn't get a good answer: it seems as if you're expecting volunteers 
to do a huge intellectual effort to understand your requirement. 
Usually, people don't do such an intellectual effort for free.

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