----- Original Message -----
From: "Geir Magnusson Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] build structure jakarta-commons

> > The full list of dependent jars is:
> > - junit
> > - stylebook and thus xerces and xalan
> > - servlet.jar for Servlet API 2.2 and/or servlet.jar for Servlet API 2.3
> and if you add an Ant-based build / test infrastructure, you will need
> Ant as well, as I noted earlier.

right, but Ant is different. It is an application, not just some jars.
Nevertheless you are right, installing Ant is part of the requirements.
Moreover for Cactus to work (either the build for functional tests or for
the runtime) you also need to install one or several servlet engine(s) but I
won't bundle the engine in the Cactus lib directory.

> so maybe two ant jars, junit, stylebook, xerces, xalan, servlet-2.2.jar
> and servlet-2.3.jar.
> That's 8 jars we would suggest the user go off and find...

yes, that's why I packaged them in a zip for ease of use.

> > In order to make it easy for newcomers I provide a
> > file containing the copy of these jar that I use on my computer. These
> > built using a 'dependencies' target. On my machine, I have the CVS trees
> > all these dependencies and from time to time I do an update and rebuild.
> > build.properties points to these other projects dist directory. And GUMP
> > always use the latest version of these dependencies doing it's nightly
> > which is the really cool part ... :)
> So you have the jars 'in CVS', only you bound them in a zip.  No
> difference.  You made it easy for a user to get started. I like that. +1

the jars are *not* in CVS. There are built by the ant build scripts of the
other frameworks.

> >
> > Note: Some of these external jars are needed for Ant to run (such as
> > stylebook, junit). For these I copy them to $ANT_HOME/lib so that they
> > added to the Ant classpath automatically. For the jars that are needed
> > the code (not by Ant itself), I leave them in their dist directories and
> > point to them. Concerning Cactus, there is only one : servlet.jar
> Ok.  So now, if you want to play with Cactus, you have to possibly
> overwrite things in an existing configuration, your ANT_HOME/lib,
> risking breaking other things you already have.  -1

again, Ant is an application. So yes, you need it installed. But you don't
have several installations to do. Just one. If you use the junit task, put
the junit jar in the $ANT_HOME/lib, same for stylebook and others. I don't
think you need several setups for different projects.

> I want to avoid this at all costs.  This seems like the 'Windows(tm)
> Way', where dumping dll's into /winnt/system32 is normal...
> geir

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