What remains to do before having a full Apache integrated Cactus is :

1- put it into jakarta-commons (as soon as the vote is accepted :) )
2- find a location (URL) for it's web site, finish modifying the web site
(there a few URLs to modify) and adapt it to whatever format is required for
Commons (it is using stylebook for the moment, which I like a lot ... :) )
3- find a location for storing the Cactus deliverable files (nightly builds
and releases) and link to them in the downloads page. Ask Sam to modify the
GUMP J2EEUnit config to Cactus and ask him to drop nightly builds there.
4- get a mailing-list for Cactus. This could be the commons one to begin
with but I don't like this much as most of the emails will not contain
[Cactus] in the subject for example and it will very wuickly be hard to know
what someone is talking about.
5- get a bug report home
6- get a link on the jakarta home page to the Cactus web site
7- put a new in the jakarta news area
8- announce everywhere that J2EEUnit has been donated to ASF and renamed to
Cactus not to infringe on Sun's J2EE trademark (I'll do that part)
9- get a jyve FAQ and transfer FAQ from SourceForge forum to that FAQ.

Anyone could help with organization and getting the needed resources ?

Thanks a lot,

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