I'm reposting this as it may have been drowned in the "[PROPOSAL] build
structure jakarta-commons" thread .... :)
Can you guys please help me on that ...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Vincent Massol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 8:20 AM
Subject: [Cactus] What remains to do ...

> What remains to do before having a full Apache integrated Cactus is :
> 1- put it into jakarta-commons (as soon as the vote is accepted :) )
> 2- find a location (URL) for it's web site, finish modifying the web site
> (there a few URLs to modify) and adapt it to whatever format is required
> Commons (it is using stylebook for the moment, which I like a lot ... :) )
> 3- find a location for storing the Cactus deliverable files (nightly
> and releases) and link to them in the downloads page. Ask Sam to modify
> GUMP J2EEUnit config to Cactus and ask him to drop nightly builds there.
> 4- get a mailing-list for Cactus. This could be the commons one to begin
> with but I don't like this much as most of the emails will not contain
> [Cactus] in the subject for example and it will very wuickly be hard to
> what someone is talking about.
> 5- get a bug report home
> 6- get a link on the jakarta home page to the Cactus web site
> 7- put a new in the jakarta news area
> 8- announce everywhere that J2EEUnit has been donated to ASF and renamed
> Cactus not to infringe on Sun's J2EE trademark (I'll do that part)
> 9- get a jyve FAQ and transfer FAQ from SourceForge forum to that FAQ.
> Anyone could help with organization and getting the needed resources ?
> Thanks a lot,
> Vincent.

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