At 10:54 AM 4/14/2001, you wrote:
>Hi to all Cactusers,
>I have added a web page to the Cactus web site giving the current scope and
>status of Cactus (you can check it at
> There is a nice (I
>hope you find it nice !) diagram showing Cactus scope in regards to the MVC
>architecture. You can see that Cactus already (or soon will) handles the
>Controller and Model part.
>However, there is a part which is not handled at all by Cactus so far. It is
>the View part, or in other words, the functional testing of the MVC
>architecture. Hence this message.
>I wanted to have your opinion on whether Cactus should go on that path or

I'd say yes - and no. ;)

 From a functionality point of view, it's a great idea. Having just the one 
framework lessens the learning, speeds up the implementation and encourages 

But... it's not unit testing, at least not as I understand the term. As an 
extension to JUnit, it doesn't really "fit". Would this impact on any 
linking from, for example, and related extreme programming pages? 
(And so hinder take up?)

On balance, though, I'd go with the former as being far more important than 
the semantic problems of the latter. Having the ability to do these tests 
explicitly supported without yet another download is a great advantage.



                           *   Jim Cheesman   *
             Trabajo: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (34)(91) 724 9200 x 2360
               Personal: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (34) 606 770 244
              Practice safe eating -- always use condiments.

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