At 04:55  28/4/01 -0700, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
>(1) "ant dist" Output Directory:
>    Suggestion:
>      ${commons.home}/${package}/build
>    Reasoning:
>    - All current packages (except Cactus) do this already

I have said this before but ... a lot of projects outside commons use
"build" for an intermediate directory and "dist" for distribution
directory. Other projects (turbine et al) use build to contain build
related scripts etc. So why not flip to dist???

>(2) Binary Distribution Contents
>    The "ant dist" target for a package should ensure that all of the
>    following contents are placed in the output directory:
>    Suggestion:
>      LICENSE                       Copy of Apache License
>      README                        README with dependencies, etc.
>      commons-xxxxx.jar             Package JAR (no version number)
>      javadoc/                      Package Javadocs

how about docs/api and then any extra documentation required by component
sits in docs/. This conforms to what a lot of projects do and also matches

>    Reasoning for "No Version Number":
>    - Allows build.xml files that use these JARs to define properties
>      (commons-beanutils.jar=${commons-beanutils.home}/commons-beanutils.jar)
>      without worrying about version numbers
>    - We're going to maintain API stability, right? :-)
>    - Versioning information should be included in the MANIFEST.MF
>      file inside the JAR anyway, so it's redundant in the filename

I agree that no version number is nice while building from CVS but for
"real" releases it is very useful to be able to see versions of different
components at a glance. Perhaps when creating a dist for public you can set
a flag or some such to modify this. Usually this is done anyway (see ant's
own build file for example).

For instance in normal building circumstances ant builds a distribution to
"dist/". Then when it hits "real" distribution mode it will build to
"jakarta-ant-1.4/". This is so that the correct directory is included in
zip etc.



| "Faced with the choice between changing one's mind, |
| and proving that there is no need to do so - almost |
| everyone gets busy on the proof."                   |
|              - John Kenneth Galbraith               |

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