----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 2:07 AM
Subject: Re: Proposing a new Commons subproject, about the implementation of
the Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP)

> At 08:39  29/4/01 +0200, Mauro Marinilli wrote:
> >My name is Mauro Marinilli, a Java Developer currently working with JNLP,
> >the new remote launching protocol from SUN.
> >Said it briefly the protocol allows J2SE applications to be launched via
> >URL pointing to a special JNLP file (implemented as an XML file).
> >The protocol is an HTTP (minimal) variation, and it needs some
> >support for advanced features, like differencing --i.e. downloading only
> >new classes in an already downloaded JAR file and not the whole JAR file
> >again.
> >I would like to work on the server-side implementation of this protocol
> >the Apache Web Server, implemented as a set of Java classes (mainly
> >servlets).
> >The effort shouldn't be that demanding (around 20 or so Java classes) and
> >have already implemented some pieces. The protocol is quite promising
> >(despite is still in version 1.0.1 early access) and, anyway, sooner or
> >later someone should implement it for the Apache Server.
> >
> >If you want to have a look, try at Sun's client reference implementation
> >page:  http://java.sun.com/products/javawebstart/
> >(For more info on me, try at http://www.marinilli.com )
> >
> >My questions are:
> > - Is anybody interested in hosting this as a Commons subproject?
> > - Otherwise what other options do I have?
> It sounds an interesting project and useful ;) In commons there is two CVS
> repos - one is for "ready-to-go" components and the other is a sandbox for
> pre-release development and mucking about. I would love to see the product
> developed in the sandbox and then when it is ready to go we could release
> it to the world and also into commons - thoughts?
> Cheers,
> Pete

Looks inteeresting !

+1 for sandbox. The technology should be servlets so that it should work on
any servlet engine.


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