At 10:25 AM +0100 7/4/01, Jari Worsley wrote:
>Russell Gold wrote:
> > BTW, who is "Heath Robinson"?
>A Victorian artist, known for producing cartoon sketches, and
>particularly for absurd machines, hence the phrase in the UK of
>describing something as "a Heath Robinson affair" - you know the sort of
>weird and wacky machines you get in RoadRunner cartoons from ACME
>corporation? Well he drew sketches like that at the turn of the century.

Ah, possibly the UK equivalent of Rube Goldberg, who did the same.
Russell Gold                     | "... society is tradition and order
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 | and reverence, not a series of cheap
                                 | bargains between selfish interests."          |   - Poul Anderson, "Iron"

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