----- Original Message -----
From: "Remy Maucherat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2001 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: HttpClient Summary (WAS Re: HttpClient and HTTP

> > That's my biggest problem with HttpClient as it is ... I'd really like
> > use it. However, it currently lacks a lot of support from the RFCs. We
> > see that is was designed and used for a given task at hand and not as a
> > generic component that could be used in lots of different scenarios
> is
> > not a rebuke, it is completely normal seen the history of it). I just
> > that we will be able to change that and make it a fully generic and
> > RFC-compliant framework in the future.
> I definitely don't agree on the genericity. What do you think is not
> in the design ?
> Also, there's a lot of features missing (the headers is a valid point, but
> you can easily implement that by *adding* a few methods; besides, I'll
> the feature for DASL).

Please accept my apologies regarding the genericity. It is not what I meant
actually (used wrong word :) ). I should have used completeness instead.

> > hum... I understand that you want to release a 1.0 version that you
> > use (with little change) in Slide. My problem is that I need it now ...
> Here
> > is what I propose :
> > - you release a 1.0 version. When ?
> > - I continue to use the standard HttpURLConnection from the JDK which in
> the
> > end is probably quite enough for my purpose (at the current time, the
> amount
> > of code to use HttpClient is about the same I have write when using
> > HttpURLConnection directly). My rationale for using HttpClient was the
> > following : as time goes on, I'll want to add support for other
> HTTP-related
> > features (like supporting the PUT HTTP operation, ....) and RFC
> > and my code will get bigger and bigger in that area. Having a library
> > implements it thoroughly is a pain-saver ...
> >
> > FYI, Jigsaw has both a server side and full implementation of the HTTP
> > on the client side (packages org.w3c.www.*), including DAV support and
> > others (The "main" class is the HttpManager, see
> >
> > r.html). However, it seems it is _very_ badly documented on their web
> site,
> > all their docs only mention Jigsaw as a server (packages
> > ... It is a pity they have not externalized the client side API in a
> > dedicated project ... However it seems all the client side live in the
> > org.w3c.www.* packages and does not depend on anything else so it is
> > easy to extract it.
> I looked at it, and I don't really like the design the API.
> I'm not too excited by the idea of making the API look like that.

I have neither used it nor looked at it in details so I don't know if it is
good or not. We don't have to make HttpClient's API look like it !

> Remy

P.S.: Sorry about all my previous. Rereading them it realized it looks like
I'm that much happy with HttpClient which is really not the case ! :) I
think it is a very useful package that can benefit a lot of other projects.
I'll wait for the 1.0 release (can it happen quickly ?) and then I'll try to
jump in and help (in the little time I have left. I guess it's the same for
all of us ... :) ).

Cheers, and thanks for taking the time to answer my numerous emails ...


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