> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon Stevens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> What I'm talking about is generating shells of build files that have a
> common set of targets (not necessarily filled in with stuff) 
> as well as
> parts to help with the dependency checking and future 
> jjar/cjan integration.

Yes, this is why I say we must probably introduce a clear concept of
"dependencies" into Ant.

> Take a look at jakarta-turbine's build file sometime.

So what ?

> Take a look at how Torque generates empty Java classes which 
> you can fill in
> with your own methods that implement the business logic of 
> your application.
> These java classes extend base classes which have a common 
> set of methods
> which can be used to help you write your business objects.

This is not possible to me without having overridable targets which means
introducing a concept of 'project' inheritance that could give you an
interface as well as some base code, and even with that this is not so easy
to address.

Otherwise it requires an awful amount of code and properties here and there
that makes it unmanageable in a higher level than a project one.

If you have any idea, I believe they will be very useful for Ant 2.
It's better before than after.

 Stephane Bailliez 
 Software Engineer, Paris - France 
 iMediation - http://www.imediation.com 
 Disclaimer: All the opinions expressed above are mine and not those from my

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