On Thu, 16 Aug 2001, James Strachan wrote:

> If we were to go down the route of having a small & simple loggging
> abstraction in commons then why don't we take the most common subset of
> log4j that most people use (i.e the Category class) and provide a default
> implementation that just logs to System.out.

If we wanted to go this way (i.e. use Log4J's Category API directly), Ceki
has done this already -- he's got a "micro" JAR that is ~25k, for just
this sort of purpose.

To me personally, size is not big deal (I write server code for a living
:-).  My issues are:

* Tie-in to an API that might not be the developer's choice
  (yes, you can write an Appender etc. but this is an *emotional*
  issue, not a technical one).  I don't know how to address
  this one any way other than what I proposed -- gracefully use
  Log4J if it is there, and don't if it's not.

* Need to explicitly configure Log4J just to use DBCP or Digester
  or whatever.  (This can be made a non-issue by having an included
  Log4J that self-configures itself to System.out gracefully in the
  absence of explicit configuration.


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