----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 3:24 PM
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Promote "Logging" Proposal to jakarta-commons

> On Thu, 16 Aug 2001, Morgan Delagrange wrote:
> > Although I wish it was not necessary, it seems like if the Logging
> > gets voted down, we'll end up with no logging at all, not Log4J logging.
> > think that the Logging component is a reasonable abstraction, and I
> > stand by and watch logging itself disappear.  So I have to give the
> > component +1.
> To reestablish the balance of votes, here's my -1 for the Logging
> component :-)
> Using "Logging" APIs instead of Log4J APIs, and requiring the "Logging"
> component instead of Log4J component is _bad_. Log4j may have problems,
> but it's reasonably easy to solve them - a simpler Category, fewer classes
> visible to the user, etc. Instead of inventing another logger, we should
> fix log4j. Or push Ceki to adopt some of the ideas in Logging and make
> them available in log4j.

That would be OK, but I don't see a super-majority agreeing to that course.

> If we can't fix log4j, then we should look at LogKit.

How is that better?  If we can't agree on Log4J, and we can't agree on an
abstraction layer that can talk to multiple APIs, we're certainly not going
to zero in of LogKit.

> Or even better, we
> can try an implementation of java.util.log - even if it'll be in a
> different package, at least it'll follow the same patterns.

And limit ourselves to certain JDKs?  Hmm...

> So if some people have "emotional" problems with log4j, I suspect far more
> will have "emotional" problems with using a random Logging package.

It's not a random logging package.  It's a package that let's you use Log4J
if you want, or more simple logging, or no-op logging or potentially other

> Or
> maybe we can add a LogLoging package that will abstract Logging as well.

Oh come on.

> Costin

- Morgan

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