James still has ./build.[bat|sh] files.  All that build.sh does is setup
CLASSPATH, make sure that ant has the executable flag set, and run ant.

        --- Noel

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Hammant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 12:12
To: James Developers List
Subject: RE: Phoenix 4.0 beta

Double check: Are we talking about the build files for JAMES or Pheonix.
Have you tried doing a
build with just 'ant compile' rather than 'build compile'  All the Avalon
projects got rid of
build.bat and build.sh ages ago...

- Paul

 --- "Noel J. Bergman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > The problem is caused by
upgrading to Xerces
v2.  If you replace:
>   CLASSPATH=phoenix-bin/lib/xerces.jar
> with:
>   CLASSPATH=phoenix-bin/lib/xerces-2.0.1.jar:phoenix-bin/lib/xml-apis.jar
> the build runs cleanly.
> The reason that the build worked when jakarta-site2 was present is that
> xerces v1 is part of the site2 module, and xerces v1 had everything in one
> jar.  With Xerces v2, there are two jar files.  FWIW, Xerces 2.0.2 calls
> them xercesImpl.jar and xmlParserAPIs.jar.
> And the Windows build file, build.bat, is completely different!  It says:
>   set
> There isn't a xerces-1.4.*.jar in the lib/ directory.
>       --- Noel

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