> My 2c based on my recent experience with the problem of redirect with
> sesssions.
> code snippet:
> session = request.getSession(true);
> session.putValue("xxx", "yyyyy");
> request.redirect(anotherURL);
> IE4 gets to the next page correctly, but Netscape has a problem.  In my case,
> we have to support at least both IE4 and Netscape.  So I have to stop the
> redirection feature.
> It is a browser bug, as far as my experience tells me.  But it will also be
> very nice to have a work around as proposed by Jason Gilbert.  If possible,
> PLEASE add the workaround.

Your bug has nothing to do with Jason's bug since your bug is about
redirection and his bug is about cookies. What URL are you using? Are you
using a full http:// url or are you using a relative path url? If you are
using the later, that is wrong and that is why it isn't working.

I hope that helps,


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