Jason Gilbert wrote:

> [snip]

> Anyways, in order for it to work you must be accessing servlets
> in the same zone.
> http://hostname:8080/zone/thisServlet
> http://hostname:8080/zone/redirectedServlet
> If the servlets are in different zones it's not going to work at
> all since I believe the available sessions are separated across
> zones.  This was the other part of my first message.

You are correct in your interpretation of the existing implementation in Apache JServ 
1.0 --
sessions are local to a zone, not global to the entire web server.  This affects 
management even on normal hyperlinks (not just redirects), and it does not matter 
you are using cookies or URL rewriting to maintain session ids.

It is not at all clear from the Servlet API spec whether this is compliant behavior or 
My understanding from reading messages on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing 
list is
that this behavior is correct -- that sessions are supposed to belong to particular 
contexts (which is also what Apache JServ calls a zone).  This question is worth 
asking on
the general list.

> Jason Gilbert | http://www.scott.net/~jason/

Craig McClanahan

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