It was a joke. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Tatu Saloranta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 11:55 AM
Subject: RE: Results (Re: Survey: Lucene and Java 1.4 vs. 1.5)

--- Robert Engels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think you should port Lucene to MS-DOS...
> If your app can't move beyond MS-DOS, then you stick with version 1.9 
> (or 2.0 in this case).
> If you can't innovate and move forward, you die.
> Java has a GREAT history of supporting prior versions. At some point 
> though you need to be able to move forward since developers may not be 
> trained in the "legacy" environment.

While this is true, I thinks that comparisons of Lucene to, say, MS-DOS are
at best a knee-jerk comments, or otherwise imply some lack of perspective
and common sense (probably former though).
Lucene has moved away from JDK 1.1 support, and at this point 1.4 is
probably the baseline. This has happened over time, as platform has
advanced. And it's bit curious as to what the current mad rush regarding
migration is -- beyond the convenience and syntactic sugar, only the
concurrency package seems like a tempting immediate reason?

Now, I think Doug had best points regarding inertia that low-level libraries
and components should consider. Apps are first to move to newest versions;
top-level libraries then, and finally fundamental components and engines. I
would think Lucene falls into this category: it has few dependencies of its
own, but has tons of downstream dependencies.

I don't know if this has suggested yet, but how about switching to 1.5, when
Sun declares 1.6 to be the official stable JDK (ie. when it comes out of its
beta status)?

Anyway, it obviously comes down to the active committers to decide the
time/version for the cut-off.
But I hope it can be a practical decision made with cool minds.

-+ Tatu +-

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