: From: Robert Engels

: The "lazy" refers to the ability/desire of the 1.4 "users & developers" to
: devote their resources to back-porting the code to the 2.0.X release. Rather
: than having the 1.5 developers having to waste their time "thinking" in 1.4
: when their work is predominately being performed using 1.5
: features/compilers/tools. There is NOTHING stopping the 1.4 community from
: doing this, except their "laziness" in wanting to (especially given their
: common assessment that 1.5 is nothing more than syntactic sugar).

At the start of this brew-ha, I was very much in favor of 2.1.x allowing
java1.5 features ... but comments like this make me question that
opionion, because they suggest (in this case explicitly) the existence of
a "1.4 community" that can backport things if "they" want to ... perhaps
it's idealistic of me, but I'd like to think there is one big happy Lucene
community that helps eachother, and I'd hate to knowingly and willfully
take steps to fracture that community in half (more then this discussion
already has).

The whole is certainly greater then the sum of it's parts.

: From: DM Smith

: Can I stick with 2.0.x? Certainly. However, I'd rather not. I keep reading
: about refactoring providing a significant, incremental improvement, and I'd
: like to provide that, especially for those older machines!

And here is where the other half of my brain chimes in -- The reason I
initially supported the idea of using java1.5 for the 2.1.x release is
because there is no doubt in my mind that being able to use 1.5 language
features (specificly generics and concurrency utils) will make refactoring
and cleaning up the core Lucene APIs easier, faster, and safer then
if we constrain ourselves to java1.4.


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