On Tue, 20 Jun 2006, DM Smith wrote:

We are planning to migrate from Swing to Eclipse's RCP/JFace/SWT and then we can and would use GCJ. If Lucene goes to Java 5, we will need to re-examine those plans.

If you are planning to compile Java Lucene with gcj you may want to take a look at the tricks and patches used in the PyLucene project where this is done.
  - apply these patches:
  - use ant and javac to compile from .java to .jar
  - use gcj to compile from .jar to .o

Which version of gcj to use depends on your constraints and your platform. I use gcj 4.0.2 (patched) on Intel Mac OS X, gcj 3.4.5 on PPC Mac OS X, gcj 3.4.6 on Ubuntu 6.06 Linux. I've been able to also use gcj 4.1.0 on PPC Mac OS X, but the same didn't work on Ubuntu 6.06.

As for Java 1.5 support, the ecj integration seems to be going well. This very recent post should prove interesting:
Still, there is no date promises attached here and a full gcj release cycle can be quite long. And then, usually, it takes a (long) while for a new gcj platform to be stable and usable on platforms other than Red Hat Linux. (See the version details I wrote about above).

GCJ is currently incomplete, and needs patches to get it to work with
lucene (and lucene committers have accepted patches to ease this
porting in the past).  GCJ support in Lucene isn't  as much for the
end-user IMO, but for developers who maintain other Lucene ports.

libgcj, mostly based on the classpath project is indeed incomplete but is actively being working on and is complete enough to cover Java Lucene (of course your app may have needs beyond that). I've only had to patch in regex support in libgcj 3.4.x so far.


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