Hi Grant,


> I think it is pretty clear that when the code lives in the public

> somewhere else (i.e. source forge or Google code, etc.) it needs to go

> through a grant. 


> That being said, I'm not particularly concerned about Trie, for the

> record.


Trie was in Sourceforge's SVN as part of panFMP, so it lived in public
before. The last revision was 342:


2> &view=markup&pathrev=342



The first version in Lucenes contrib was a modified version of the above SVN
revision (see LUCENE-1470).


After that it was deleted from panFMP's SVN and the new and further
optimized Lucene version was used for this project. If you like, we can fill
out a software grant to be sure (if it is still possible to do this after
the code transfer). I am the only person that must sign the grant on my
side. I can do a checkout of these two files, tar and md5 them.



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