
"One of the Incubator's roles is to ensure that proper attention is paid to intellectual property. From time to time, an external codebase is brought into the ASF that is not a separate incubating project but still represents a substantial contribution that was not developed within the ASF's source control system and on our public mailing lists. "

Of course, the nitpicking is likely over the phrase "substantial contribution".

I personally don't get what all the fuss is about. It's not hard to do a grant and it protects us, the ASF and Lucene at the cost of taking a little longer, so I think it makes sense to be conservative. So, in my mind, when it lives somewhere else in public or was developed by a company or several individuals, it needs a grant. If it's just someone doing there thing, then it doesn't. Often times, it is the case that the person donating the code indicates these things, as was the case with the Query Parser from IBM.

On Jul 8, 2009, at 8:44 AM, Yonik Seeley wrote:

On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 10:27 PM, Grant Ingersoll<> wrote:
I think it is pretty clear that when the code lives in the public somewhere else (i.e. source forge or Google code, etc.) it needs to go through a

It's not clear to me... I think it's just another factor to consider.
It also matters how big of a body of code it is, how many people
developed it over how long, what licenses were used over it's
development history, etc.  Just because someone may make a patch or
feature available on github first does not mean a software grant is
automatically needed.


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