As soon as I have removed version, then we can fix StandardTokenizer too!

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 5:13 PM, Shai Erera <> wrote:

> By all means Robert ... by all means :). Remember who started that thread,
> and for what reason :D.
> Shai
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 12:01 AM, Robert Muir <> wrote:
>> If you really believe this. then you have no problem if i remove all
>> Version from all core and contrib analyzers right now.
>> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 4:50 PM, Shai Erera <> wrote:
>>> Robert ... I'm sorry but changes to Analyzers don't *force* people to
>>> reindex. They can simply choose not to use the latest version. They can
>>> choose not to upgrade a Unicode version. They can copy the entire Analyzer
>>> code to match their needs. Index format changes is what I'm worried about
>>> because that *forces* people to reindex.
>>> Analyzers, believe it or not, are just a tool, an out of the box tool
>>> even, we're giving users to analyze their stuff. Probably a tool used by
>>> most of our users, but not all. Some have their own tools, that are
>>> currently wrapped as a Lucene Analyzer just because the API mandates. But we
>>> were talking about that too recently no? Ripping Analyzer off IndexWriter?
>>> Just to be clear - I think your work on Analyzers is fantastic ! Really !
>>> Seriously !
>>> But it's a choice someone can make ... whereas index format is a given -
>>> you have to live with it, or never upgrade Lucene.
>>> But I think we've chewed that way too much. I am all for removing bw on
>>> Analyzers, and 2396 is a great step towards it (or maybe it is IT?). Even
>>> index format - I don't see when it will change next (but I think I have an
>>> idea ...), so we can tackle it then.
>>> Shai
>>> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 11:33 PM, Robert Muir <> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 4:21 PM, Shai Erera <> wrote:
>>>>> Actually, I'd like to know if people like Robert (basically those who
>>>>> have no problem to reindex and don't understand the fuss around it) will
>>>>> want to change the index format - can I count on them to be asked to 
>>>>> provide
>>>>> such tool? That's to me a policy we should decide on ... whatever the
>>>>> consequences.
>>>> just look at the 1.8MB of backwards compat code in contrib/analyzers i
>>>> want to remove in LUCENE-2396?
>>>> are you serious? I wrote most of that cruft to prevent reindexing and
>>>> you are trying to say I "don't understand the fuss about it"?
>>>> We shouldnt make people reindex, but we should have the chance, even if
>>>> we only do it ONE TIME, to reset Lucene to a new "Major Version" that has a
>>>> bunch of stuff fixed we couldnt fix before, and more flexibility.
>>>> because with the current policy, its like we are in 1.x forever.... our
>>>> version numbers are a joke!
>>>> --
>>>> Robert Muir
>> --
>> Robert Muir

Robert Muir

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