On Thu, 28 Oct 1999 23:25:48 -0600, Adam Carheden wrote:

>I am using the blackdown jdk 117 v3.  I have downloaded Swing 1.0.3 from
>SUN and ArgoUML.  These come as .jar files which contain the paths
>com/sun/java/... and the actual files below that.  All the installation
>instructions tell me to simply put these in my class path.  I have tried
>setting a CLASSPATH variable, using the -classpath argument to java and
>putting these in the same directory as classes.zip (and everywhere else
>in my jdk installation), java refuses to find these new additions.  I've
>also tried setting JAVA_HOME.  The FAQ seems to say very little about
>where it searches for classes.  Please help!

What you should do is set CLASSPATH to point at those jar files.

I have:

        setenv CLASSPATH .:/usr/local/java/swing/swingall.jar

This will then use the jar file (which is a zip file) and support the
local directory.

The -classpath option is very poorly defined in JDK 1.1 since it
completely replaces any classpath that may exist.  The problem with
this is that the JDK system classes (in classes.zip) are not included
when you do this.  However, if you set the CLASSPATH environment variable
the java wrapper script will correctly add on the JDK system classes to
the class path.

Michael Sinz ---- Technology and Engineering Director/Consultant
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